Effects on crude oiloil
The price of crude oil has decreased per barrel because for the lack of buyer Due to lockdown. Consumption decreased across the world. Country whose economy depends on export of crude oil is facing many problems.
On the people
Total confirmed cases:1141190
Total death:60959
Total recovered:223534( till 4 March, 2020)
Many have lost their loved ones,the people are packed in their homes, having Shortage of food and necessary items. Mostly affected daily wage workers, unorganized sector workers, migrant workers and low income families. Also affected tourists.
Country total closed
India 1.2billion
Italy 6.04 crore
America 7.5 crore
Argentina 4.55 crore
Britain 6.65 crore
Australia 2.49 crore
Country total closed
India 1.2billion
Italy 6.04 crore
America 7.5 crore
Argentina 4.55 crore
Britain 6.65 crore
Australia 2.49 crore
Pollution has reduced
Due to lockdown people are closed in their house. There is ban on movement of vehicles, and automobiles. Only transportation of necessary itmes is allowed like food, sanitizer and masks. This is the positive impact. Maybe it will reduce global warming.
On the country economy
Economy fails due to shut down of large and small industries. There is ban on domestic as well as international flite. Export and important have also affected. International monetary Fund is saying world Will be in greatest depression again.
Impact on sports and events
La Liga, champions Trophy and English premier League has postponed.
IPL has postponed. Olympic and Wimbledon has postponed as well.
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